How-To-Safety Featured in SIParent: TOP 15 Car Seat Tips
Read on for tips to find out if you are using the right seat correctly.
Read on for tips to find out if you are using the right seat correctly.
How-To-Safety Participates in Healthy Kids Day at the Staten Island South Shore YMCA on Saturday, April 30th. Healthy Kids Day is a free day of fun and excitement for the family. Keep your kids in “WOW” condition! Stop by from 10am-3pm for lots of FREE activities! It’s a fit family fun blast! Bounce House, Art & Crafts, [...]
How-To-Safety joins Staten Island Baby Expo, an event co-sponsored by Richmond University Medical Center & Babies 'R Us. How-To-Safety will be there to provide child passenger safety educational materials, answer car seat questions, demonstrate proper car seat use, raise awareness about road related preventable trauma, and help parents and parents-to-be keep their children safer in the car. The Expo take [...]
How-To-Safety is offering an opportunity for new and expectant parents to learn about keeping their little ones safe in the car with a focus on the proper use of car seats. The class is facilitated by a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) and teaches parents about: - Choosing the right car seat. - Properly [...]
How-To-SAFETY is conducting a FREE child car seat inspection and installation event on Staten Island, NY taking place September 19, 2015. Invitations are extended to parents with children ages newborn-12 y/o, expecting parents, grandparents, and caregivers. A certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) will be on-hand to teach parents and caregivers how to choose the right car seats for their children [...]
How-To-SAFETY joins 2015 Kidz in Motion, a national child passenger safety conference held in Orlando, FL. The conference aims to provide informative sessions that reflect the diversity of the field, with the intent of increasing knowledge and sharing best practices. Hundreds of CPS technicians, instructors and advocates will be discussing the most current and accurate occupant [...]
"The Ultimate Driving Challenge,” a humorous homage by Ford Motor Company reveals the True Ultimate Driver: Mom. How-To-Safety participates in the Mother’s Day tribute by overseeing child passenger safety and correct use of car seats and child restraints during filming. The production, directed by Josh + Vince of Big Block, honors moms on Mother's Day [...]
How-To-Safety now provides car seat installation and education service at Staten Island's Posh Baby & Teen's newly launched car seat and strolled department. How-To-Safety will be there to provide child passenger safety educational materials, answer car seat questions, demonstrate proper car seat use, raise awareness about road related preventable injury, and help parents and parents-to-be [...]
How-To-Safety joins Baby Health Fair & Expo, an event co-sponsored by Richmond University Medical Center & Babies 'R Us. How-To-Safety will be there to provide child passenger safety educational materials, answer car seat questions, demonstrate proper car seat use, raise awareness about road related preventable trauma, and help parents and parents-to-be keep their children safer in the car. The [...]
How-to-SAFETY takes part in Safe Kids Global Road Safety Summit in Washington D.C., the kickoff for Safe Kids Worldwide’s Safe Roads | Safe Kids campaign to significantly raise the issue of global road safety on the international agenda and reduce child morbidity and mortality resulting from traffic collisions around the world. The campaign is aligned [...]